
post sorozatidény kezdődik, TBBT már 2 rész!

January 19th, 2010

Filed under: Mozi,Napi fájdalom,News — AndrewBoy @ 9:29 pm

Jó hír, elindultak a kedvenc sorozatok ismételten. Lehet How I meet your mothert, Big bang theoryt nézni már. Hamarosan indul a Smallville, Trueblood, SGU. Sajnos a Californication ugye befejeződött, esetleg majd szeptembertől lesz folytatás. A TBBT és a HIMYM új részei nagyon komolyak:)

Sheldon: Oh yes, I’ve just discovered I don’t have enough room on my hard drive for a Linux partition, so you and I are going to perform a full backup, re-initialize and then re-install all my operating systems.

Name: Dr. Sheldon Cooper MSc, PhD.
Occupation: Theoretical physicist.
From: Texas.
IQ: 187.

Sheldon is the uber geek, he possesses a Master’s degree and 2 PhDs, and conducts string theory research at Caltech. He shares an apartment with Leonard.

Unashamedly geeky, he has no qualms about speaking Klingon, he doesn’t mind sharing details of his life that others might find embarrassing, such as a common activity being Klingon Boggle until the wee hours. He wears vintage t-shirts sporting superhero logos.

As a child prodigy, Sheldon was involved in numerous experiments as a child, such as his plan to provide free electricity for his town by building a nuclear reactor. A plan stopped only by government pen pushers claiming it’s illegal to store yellow cake uranium in a garden shed! Sheldon started college at the age of 11, receiving his first PhD at 16.

While he might claim to be the perfect human specimen, Sheldon does have his faults – although he’d never admit it! He lacks empathy, is unable to discern sarcasm, doesn’t like change, and has an inflated ego. He does not understand social norms, and makes little attempt to do so.

A The Big Bang Theory az a sorozat amit tilos kihagyni. Sajnos a magyar hangok és a magyar szöveg közel nem adja vissza azt a néha már fájdalmas humort amit kapunk. A How I Meet Your Mother igazából elmegy magyarul is, de a “szak” kifejezések miatt a TBBT-t mindenképpen angolul érdemes nézni!

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